Famous Letterpress Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop CS5

Famous Letterpress Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop CS5 1

Today, I am going to discuss with you a very famous Letterpress Text Effect. This effect use to show debossed appearance to text or any vector based image. We will discover how to create this effect in Adobe Photoshop CS5 using Blending options.

As usual, let me show you the final results of this tutorial before going forward;

letter press effect

Step 1:
Our very first step is to create New File, Click on File > New and New popup box appear on the screen which is asking for Name of document and size (use any), I use for myself (1280px x 800px) and OK.

letter press effect

Step 2:
Your next turn is to select Gradient Tool (G), as you select Gradient Tool (G) you options bar will change automatically as [diagram 4] now simply click on the color bar and lets change the gradient color. In Gradient Editor right side color is #011CBC and left side color is #0597FD. After finishing with color bar select the Radial Gradient option.

letter press effect

Now fill the layer with Gradient as you can see in the following image.

letter press effect

Step 3:
Now select the Horizontal Type Tool (T) and write down anything what you want. When you type something on the blue gradient layer you will see that in Layers (F7) tab have 2 layers inside now select the text layer and go to Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options.

letter press effect

Step 4:
As you click on Blending option, Layer Style box will popup now go to the Gradient Overlay tab and define the gradient colors as you can see in the following image. I personally use #003E53 and #00081D.

letter press effect

Step 5:
Now your 5th and final step to add some Inner and Drop Shadow’s. First go to Inner Shadow and modify the following options;

  • Blend Mode : Multiply . Color > #000000
  • Opacity : 100%
  • Angle : 90 degree
  • Distance : 3px
  • Choke : 0px
  • Size : 5px

After finish with Inner Shadow, lets transfer to Drop Shadow tab and modify the following options as well;

  • Blend Mode : Normal . Color > #00b9f6
  • Opacity : 100%
  • Angle : 90 degree
  • Distance : 1px
  • Spread : 0px
  • Size : 0pxz

letter press effect

If you follow the above steps as they given you will see the following result as exact as it is.

letter press effect


3 responses to “Famous Letterpress Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop CS5”

  1. Beautiful……this one ….I like and love very much….Thank you..

  2. Respiratory Therapist Avatar
    Respiratory Therapist

    nice post. thanks.

  3. Brett Widmann Avatar
    Brett Widmann

    This is a great tutorial! Thank you.

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